Author of Romance - JT Schultz

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Bride Wore Boots - Available Now

I know I am a couple days late getting to this, but it has been a hectic and crazy summer. Needless to say the happy news is the kids are back in school. Yeah, I'm going to miss them during the day....okay, not really , let's face it; they are learning something and unable to call my name every ten minutes. I see nothing but good....and I hear silence.
So The Bride Wore Boots was released on the 1st of this month and Is doing really well. I'm working on having a contest for autographed print copies and will hopefully post something by Saturday...afternoon, so stay tuned.
In the mean time, here is blurb and link to purchase this latest release.


Madison Bellini has it all figured out: Run.

Run away from her high society family, her money-grubbing fiancé who has sex with anyone but her, and--land herself a cowboy, for good measure. When her car skids on a patch of mud, and she ends up in the river, she finds herself with the sexiest cowboy she could have imagined.

Ty Kirkland has had enough of women. And money trouble. When he finds a woman blowing bubbles in the river and realizes she's an oil heiress with no memory, he decides she might be the answer to both problems at once. Introducing her to family and friends as his fiancée, he thinks he's got it made.

Only he wasn't counting on his family adoring her, his libido going into overdrive, or that her amnesia might be fake. The worst surprise of all is that he wants to turn their engagement into a real one.

Print: $12.95

Ebook: $5.99


  • At 4:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I love the cover for this one.

  • At 6:21 AM , Blogger Donna Michaels said...

    Congratulations on your release, JT!!!

    Taylor's right. You have a terrific cover for a terrific story.

  • At 2:39 AM , Blogger Rachel.C said...

    Great cover, great book. Loved reading it and love that you put my review on your website.

  • At 2:06 PM , Blogger Anne Crawford-Clarke said...

    Hey JT, how's it going? It's so wonderful to see you doing so well.

    Oh, and I think I hold the title for world's worst blogger. Though I've been a bit better of late. Well, two posts in one week. It's a good thing.

    Luv ya! the other J


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