Fly Into Spring!
Spring is here! At least it should be. To my friends and readers that still have cold and snow, I'm thinking of you and if you need me, I'll be at the beach! Ha-ha just kidding.
All jokes aside for the moment, I went out on the weekend and purchased a whole bunch of cool butterfly things. In true JT form, they all match too. A book bag, a stainless steel water bottle, pen, notepad, leather bookmark and a wallet--now my family is slightly superstitious, I couldn't give the wallet away empty, so I have a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card tucked into it. I have put all these items and a couple other goodies in a big puffy envelope and will ship them to the winner. I will also draw 2 runner up prizes of a mini loot envelope and a free download of my back list (winners' choice).
Pretty cool huh? Head over to my website and find the page that the butterfly above is on and email me at and tell me where you found it. The contest will close midnight April 29th and I will have the Pre-teen Drama Queen pick the winners and announce them on April 30th.
Good Luck Everyone!
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