Author of Romance - JT Schultz

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Review: Kiss of the Wolf - Torrid Teasers Volume 23

Hey all just wanted to share my 5 Angel review that Cassi Armstrong and I got for Torrid Teasers Volume 23. You can check out the whole review by clicking the link below.

Reviewed by Wendi

Oh were, oh were can my wolf be?

Kiss of the Wolf by J.T. Shultz makes you wish for your very own werewolf to howl at the moon with. Brianna, a lawyer, is looking to free Jarred from a will that states he has to marry. Jarred wants to marry Brianna, but there’s just one problem - he is a wolf once a month. Will they be able to bend the will or will Jarred bend Brianna to his will?

Stay tuned for more reviews for more of my books.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just Another Day & A Secret

So life around here is okay. I have as of late discovered that kids have more time off than I did when I was in school. I Think these days off, especially when combined with a weekend are science experiments. Some individual that really needs to be caned sits back and says. "Let's see how long we can expose a perfectly sane adult to a chatterbox, sugar hyped child.--Right, yeah like the two months at Summer aren't already a mental health test.

Seriously though, I may joke, but in the end its the quality of education that has suffered. My husband and I shake our heads at the fact that I have received several morning announcements that I have wanted to edit and track changes on then send back to the principal with a C-.
Okay, I've ranted and gave a slight opinion--onto the good stuff

I have a few friends that are in this contest in the quest to land themselves a literary agent. The 3 of them have done real well and I this is my chance to announce to the world that I'm proud of them and hope they can go all the way.

Speaking of contests, I have had such incredible response to my past contests that Monday I am kicking off a new contest. Something Lucky or Irish in theme--since St. Patrick's Day is around the corner and I will be having a St. Patrick's Day release. -- wait, am I allowed to tell?( Looks around and blanches.) Okay, just incase I wasn't allowed to talk about Chasing Clover coming out with Forbidden Publications, we'll keep it between us. Remember you know nothing and Monday I will announce the details to the contest.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's Party Time At Fallen Angel Review Chatters

Hey all!

Join me with my fellow Forbidden Publications authors at:

There will be blurbs, contests, excerpts and of course prizes!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

And The Winner Is....

So here it is Valentine's Day... The day I also pick the winner to my Cupid's Contest!

Congratulations to My Valentine's Day Cupid's Contest winners. Due to the overwhelming response I had my daughter (The Pre-teen Drama Queen) draw two names for Loot bags. They are Rachel M & Beth R. I had her draw 2, 1st runner up prizes of a free copy of Cupid's Target and the winners of those are Rhonda B & Tessa B. Thanks everyone that entered and stay tuned for another contest coming soon.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome To My First Post

Welcome to my first post here at blogger. Wow, what work this was. Then again HTML is not my friend. I really have no clue what to put currently so I might as well let you all know about the contest I have running now until the 14th of February for Cupid's Target.


Answer the following question and send me an email with Cupid's Contest in the subject line to I will draw a lucky winner for a Valentine loot bag, packed full with a valentine plush, chocolates and a load of Valentine's themed goodies.

QUESTION: What happened to Zane when he saw Charity?

The answer is on my website. Good luck everyone, I will draw the winner on Valentine's Day!